Older Adults

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Sports Partnership coordinate and deliver several activities, initiatives and programmes targeting older adults in Dlr. We work with key partners to support, coordinate, and deliver community-based programmes and initiatives that encourage participation for Older Adults, Some of our key partner agencies such as dlr County Council, HSE, Age & Opportunity and the Age Friendly Alliance.

Walking Programmes

Walking programmes are a fun way for participants looking to get a bit more active by improving posture, enhanced fitness levels, and fat burning. Walking programmes is supported by Sport Ireland and dlr County Council.

Tea Dances

Strictly fun! A social afternoon of  dancing to a selection of popular dance tunes of days gone by. All levels of ability are welcome.

walking schedule

Yoga by the Sea

This class is designed to take people through a full body yoga routine from a seated or standing position. The exercises executed throughout this programme will help to improve strength, balance, and energy levels.


Chair Aerobics / Activity Classes

Chair Aerobics for those who are not able to attend a gym these classes are a great way to exercise and meet new people.

Chair Aerobics
Go for Life Games

The Go for Life Programme aims to increase participation among older people in recreational sport activities. According to research, getting and staying active has an enormous effect on our quality of life as we get older.

Go for Life Games
Yoga & Dip

This is a 40-minute Yoga session on the green followed by a social dip in Scottsman’s Bay. It is a come & try session and is designed to take people through a full body yoga routine from a seated or standing position followed by a fun energising dip in the sea.

Sofa to Saddle

Sofa to Saddle cycle programme – Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Sports Partnership with Age & Opportunity want to get you from the Sofa to the Saddle with our free 5-week Cycle Programme for Adult Beginner / Novice Cyclists.

Sofa to Saddle

For further information, please contact Kevina Malone at kmalone@dlrcoco.ie

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